This is getting very hot. Earlier you may not find enough storage to store your emails and would have to delete then and there the unwanted emails. But this is not true today. Now the storage barrier for Email Storage is virtually or truly unlimited. The attachment size can be as big as 10 MB. This was first started by Google and thanks to Google to start giving 1GB storage space initially while others where giving very less storage space. This was cached up by Yahoo and Hotmail. Now Yahoo and Hotmail are leading in giving out the storage space. Yahoo has broken the storage limit and give unlimited storage of emails while Hotmail now has upgraded the storage space to 5GB. Here I will compare the three email services and their features. The comparison is made by scoring points for each feature and I compare 20 Feature sets totaling for 100 Points. When I started to write this article, I got an announcement from Live Side Blog stating that the Hotmail is getting an update which boosts ...
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